My cause for concern is Surfers Against Sewage, I chose this campaign because this is something that effects me and a lot of other surfers and I also think is is something that needs to change. Also this sort of thing can effect a lot of people and could cause harm to people so I think more people should know about this issue and help to get ride of some of the sewage in the water. Surfers Against Sewage is a campaign to try and reduce sewage in the sea. My final piece will be displayed as a poster which is how the public would see my campaign, I think my piece would exist and be displayed near the beach so it would catch people's attention when they are at the places that it effects. Another good place I could display my poster would be in surf shops because it will effect a lot of people that go in that sort of shop so it would help to bring attention to this issue. My piece is a mainly a visual piece for people to look at. I would need to display it in places where my target audience would see it, my target audience is surfers.I used the Surfers Against Sewage campaign to inspire and create my design. I used different design strategies with in my final piece, one of the main ones I used was using a black outline to make the writing stand out and make it more bold and stand out. This way it brings more attention to the text in the picture and that means more attention to the issue the poster is raising. Another strategy I used within the text was using rubbish to make the writing more interesting and to do with the subject of sewage. I also used the Surfers Against Sewage logo on my poster so people know that it is part of a real campaign and I used the sea as a background for the main image so it's related to the water. I also used a surfboard as the main image because then as soon as people see it they know it's about surfing.
If I could change my final piece I think I would try to make the image look more life like and realistic with the surfboard on the water, I would do this by either taking my own picture of a surfboard on water or finding an image on the Internet of it. I think this would improve my design. Another thing I would try to do would be to make the text easier to read my making it bolder and stand out more, I think this would bring more attention to what the campaign is actually about. I could do this by adding a thicker colour outline around the text. The main colour of the piece is blue as its the colour of the water and the colour of the Surfers Against Sewage logo, I'm also going to display the poster on a blue and water background.
Sometimes that I think work well about my piece is the way that the text is made out of rubbish although the its isn't that easy to read but I like the way it linked with the issue of sewage and it's a more interesting way to write text. Also I like the way that the text is curved Around the surfboard instead of being written straight.
One of the main things I changed about my final piece was having the surfboard over the water, at first I was just going to have the writing made out of rubbish but I added the surfboard to make the image more interesting. I combined the two ideas of the surfboard being made of rubbish and have the writing made of rubbish, I put these together and just had a normal surfboard with the writing made out of litter. I also added the logo to my design so people know that it is part of a campaign.
I used photo shop to edit and create my final piece, first of all I got the picture I need, these pictures were a photo of the sea, a surfboard, the surfers against sewage logo and an image of a rubbish tip. Then I put all of the photos into photo shop and used the sea image as a background. I used the quite selection tool to select the logo and then dragged that onto my background, I did the same for the surfboard. Then to make the text I first create a new layer on top of the image of the rubbish and I turned that layer white. Next I duplicated the rubbish image and dragged that on top of the blank layer. Then on the background copy layer I wrote out the text I wanted, chose the font and made it curved. Once I'd got the way the text was written write I had to dragged the blank layer so it was above the background copy. I then created a clipping mask and flattened the image. I then used the magic wand tool to select the text and I then added a black outline to the writing to make it stand out more and make it easier to read. Once I had made an outline for the text I dragged the text onto my background. Then I had to change the way the surfboard lay so it was horizontal instead of vertical because you couldn't read the writing when it was vertical. So I changed the way the surfboard was and made the text curved around it.
At first I was going to present my final piece in a a frame and have surfboard sticking out all around my piece. To do this I was going to print out pictures of different surfboard and stick them all around the edge of a piece of card that I would then stick my final piece onto. However I changed my mind about this idea and instead I have got a pain piece of paper and then splattered different colour blue paint over it. I will then stick my final piece to it so it is displayed with a paint splattered boarder.

This is my final piece.