1. Ideas Generation
For the ideas process we has to make different designs for a certain thing, we did this when design logos and posters. I think it was important to do this because then we would have different designs to choose from and decide which was the best idea for the final design. Doing this made us pick the best design for what we wanted, we had different designs which were maybe better than our first idea.
Sketching out design layouts
We did this when designing many different things like a webpage or poster, this was so we knew exactly what we were doing and how we were going to make it. I think this really helped when we came to photoshop to actually make the design. Also if when designing something it didn't look right then we could change the layout of it.

To make all of our mock ups we got photos of the internet that were close to the images we wanted and using photoshop we created the image that we had designed. This helped us to decided weather we liked the design and weather the design is how we imagined it.
Studio and Location Photography
The photos that worked the best were the ones that we used with the spotlight pointing straight at the shoes, because this made the shoes stand out and look brighter than the background. The inside spotlight photos worked better than the outside photos using just sunlight.
Photoshop process of making final poster
Putting it into a real life setting
To put my poster into a real life setting I got a photo of a billboard and used photoshop to change the perspective of the photo. I also had to use the mask layer tool to remove small parts of the photo.
2. Idea Generation and creativity
Some strenghs of having to design different ideas for things is that you may have a better design than the first one. Also if you have different designs to can take bits of each that you like and come up with a really good design. However some weaknesses are that sometime you can tell weather the design is going to look right when you actually come to make the design. Another thing is that design take time to come up with and sometime you end up not having enough time to make the final piece.
Target Audience and Company
Having a certain target audience and company is an advantage because you then know what type of thing you need to design and you know what type of people the idea is being aimed at. This can really help when design because you can get a clear image of what type of design you need to please the target audience. Although sometimes it can be hard to make a design that fits with the audience you have, if you have a target audience of people you don't know much about or what type of thing they like then it can be difficult to create a good design.
Mock Up
Making a mock up is a massive strength when designing something because it shows you what the design is going to look like for the final piece and you can decide weather the design is good. Also you can change the design of something if it doesn't look right. However a weakness of a mock up is that a lot of the time the final design looks very different from the mock up.
Photographs of trainers, props and location
Taking the photos for our final design was a strength because it made sure that we had the photos that we wanted and also when putting the photos into photoshop the photos weren't blurry like the photos when they are from the internet. A weakness of this was that sometimes it was hard to take the right photo that you needed for the design.
Editing the best images for the final design
Editing the photos was a good thing because we got to make the photos the way that we wanted them, if they were wrong when we took them. However it was a weakness because it took time to make the photos they way we wanted them.
Photoshop process of making final poster
Using photoshop was a strength because it helped to remove the parts of the photos that weren't needed and it meant that I could layer photos on top of each other. Although it took quite a long time to remove the background of the photos in the right place.
3. I think that my final design were suitable for my target audience, I had a target audience of teens and I think my design met that. Also I think that it was meeting the brief properly because I did all of the stages that we had to and I did different ideas for each. I think that my design were bright and colourful so I think they would hook the buy and attract them to the shop. Also I think that my design for the 2D poster was the most interesting and the way I could edit it made it more interesting. I don't think that the quality of my animation wasn't very good because I don't think it look at all like my logo and the animation itself was to fast. Also when animating I move parts to far so when it all went together it was was very short. I didn't really have any technical issues when re branding my company the only thing that was difficult was making the 2D poster when editing the music staff. I also had to find the way to change the colour of an image which I did in the end so it wasn't an issue. I think that my re branding links to the audience because of the colours and the picture used in my designs, it was also clear. Also I think it showed quite a clear message to the target audience and in how the designs were played out.